Info cyber attack

Cybersecurity status: Recovery after a cyberattack
Update 23.04.2024
First of all, we would like to thank you for your understanding and patience over the past few weeks. On 16.03.2024, BerlinerLuft. Technik GmbH was the victim of a cyberattack (ransomware). Since then, we have been working hard to restore our systems.
Immediately after the attack, our IT systems were disconnected from the Internet to prevent further spread. We have now completely rebuilt our entire IT infrastructure in a specially protected area. All our employees are working on reset and completely reinstalled devices.
Our emails are sent via Microsoft 365 with increased security measures, and all incoming and outgoing emails are also checked several times with virus scanners through an up-to-date email gateway. As a result, we can assure you that the security of our shared communication channels, especially email traffic, has now been fully restored.
In this context, we would like to kindly ask you to update our e-mail addresses in your whitelists to ensure that you can continue to receive important information and communications from us and that you do not miss any messages.
In addition, our ERP system is now working again without any restrictions in all companies. This enables us to accept orders again and continue our usual processes efficiently.
If you have any further questions, information or suggestions for improving our joint communication security, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
We would like to thank you once again for your trust and look forward to continuing our successful business relationship with you in a secure environment.
Yours sincerely
Your BerlinerLuft. Technology GmbH
Cyber attack survived - operations resumed at all locations!
Update 08.04.2024
We are pleased to announce that the workflow has been successfully restored after the recent cyber attack! All our plants are now available again by phone and email and production is running at full speed.
In addition, our ERP system is fully available again in all plants, which enables us to accept orders again and operate our usual processes efficiently.
To compensate for any production downtime due to the incident, we are currently working extra shifts to ensure that we can continue to meet our obligations to our customers.
Ventilation components area back in operation!
Update 27.03.2024
We would like to give you an important update regarding our production facilities. As you may have already heard, we were recently the victim of a cyber attack. However, thanks to our quick response and targeted measures, we were able to resume production for duct components, multileaf dampers and acoustic baffles at our German and Polish sites.
We are here for you again!
Our employees and our production facilities are now also available again at the familiar email addresses and telephone numbers. For more information, please contact your responsible contact person.
Your BerlinerLuft. Technology GmbH
Cyber attack 16.03.2024
On the night of Saturday, March 16, our company was the victim of a professional cyber attack.
The IT department of BerlinerLuft. activated internal emergency plans immediately after discovering the attack. This included the complete isolation and shutdown of our IT systems to prevent the attack from spreading.
We then began working with external IT forensics specialists to check and restore our systems. This process is time-consuming, but absolutely necessary in order to rule out a continuation of the cyber attack at a later date. At present, there are no indications as to whether and which data has been affected by the cyberattack or may have been stolen. Nevertheless, we have informed the responsible criminal and state data protection authorities. The current shutdown of our IT systems affects communication via e-mail in particular. These are currently not being delivered or sent.
Due to the IT emergency operation, there may be short-term restrictions in our business operations. We are currently working hard to avoid these or, where they are necessary for IT security reasons, to keep them to a minimum.
Nevertheless, there will probably be disruptions in the production/manufacturing process and delays in delivery. We will inform all business partners promptly. If necessary, please speak to your responsible BerlinerLuft. Luft contact person and check for updates on our website. The contact persons can still be reached by mobile phone.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Your BerlinerLuft.