Investment in the millions: BerlinerLuft. Technik GmbH expands production site in Bexbach
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The CompetenceCenter Air Conditioning Technology expands its production area by a further 2,000 square meters.
With several major investments, BerlinerLuft. is consistently pursuing its growth strategy of gradually future-proofing the Air-Conditioning Technology division. The investment project at the Bexbach site (Saarland) already started in 2020 with the purchase of the neighboring property of 3,500 square meters with associated office building and two halls The total investment volume for buildings including production facilities amounts to over 7 million euros.
Due to the introduction of new products - including the DataCond precision air conditioning units for data centers and HygCond monoblocks - the capacity limit at the Bexbach production site had already been reached for some time. The additional space has now made it possible to expand and modernize production with a completely new production line that links all relevant processing steps.
With the new prefabrication center, different parts can now be processed completely without set-up times. Interrelated work steps thus become more efficient and enable optimized production processes with shorter throughput times, thereby improving the complete production of air conditioning units. The installation of new indoor cranes now also allows air conditioning units weighing up to 10 tons to be moved.
In addition to the optimized production and logistics routes, the working conditions for employees have already improved in many areas: additional office space offers the workforce more room and short distances - a great advantage in day-to-day business.
Thanks to the expansion, the site is now ideally equipped for the future and the optimization of processes.