New chairman of the
AHU Manufacturers Association

At the end of January, the general meeting of the German AHU Manufacturers Association unanimously elected Andreas von Thun, Managing Director of BerlinerLuft. Technik GmbH, as its new chairman.
He succeeds Frank Ernst, who could not stand again due to professional changes. Christian Weger, deputy chairman of the association and chairman of the marketing working group, was also unanimously voted in to office.
“It is our aim to further advance air handling technology as an elementary element to the debate around energy use
and the aspects of indoor air quality.”
Andreas von Thun
Managing Director BerlinerLuft. Technik GmbH
To this end, the political communication and public relations of the association are to be reinforced. As well as Christian Weger, Andreas von Thun is also supported by Udo Ranner, deputy chairman of the association and chairman of the technology working group.